dragOn aka PONY av STEAM ROOM på Kulturnatten
Lördag 10 sep kl 19.00
Fri entré. Ingen förbokning.
Begränsat antal platser, så kom i god tid för att säkert få plats.
dragON aka PONY är den första föreställningen i projektet dragON, en koreografisk trilogi skapad gemensamt av Aleksandar Georgiev, Zhana Pencheva och Darío Barreto Damas (aka STEAM ROOM). Projektet undersöker drag-scenens protest- och hyllningskroppar och deras relationer inom dans och koreografi.
dragON aka PONY är ett verk som presenterar en koreografisk lekplats laddad med en mängd olika dansreferenser, historiska och nutida, från Väst- och Östeuropa, som ger upphov till ständig förflyttning, och skapar utrymme för intimitet och ödmjuk samvaro. Inramat av samtida POP, återupplivar verket geometrisk koreografi genom en prisma av klassicism och undersöker folklore som rituell form. dragON aka PONY har lite Isadora och mycket MTV eller VH1.
Dans, koreografi, performance: Aleksandar Georgiev, Zhana Pencheva and Darío Barreto Damas aka STEAM ROOM.
Musik: Tsvetan Momchilov.
Kostym och scen: Ralitza Toneva.
Grafisk from: Gjorgji Despodov.
Samproduktion: Garage Collective, Brain Store Project and Nomad Dance Academy Slovenija.
Med stöd av: Creative Crossroads in the framework of the Life Long Burning project supported by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, Ministry of Culture of Bulgaria, National Cultural Fund of Bulgaria, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, City of Ljubljana – Department of Culture, Konstnärsnämnden (International Exchange Grant), I-portunus (Funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union), Zagrebachki Plesni Centar, BAZAAR festival, Youth Cultural Center Burgas, Hamalogika, Era of Aquarius Festival, Performance Room, Moving Body Festival, DNK – space for contemporary dance and performance, JSKD – Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities, VIZ!, Jasmin.bg, Kafene.bg, LoveTheater.bg.
STEAM ROOM (North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Spain, Sweden) is an artistic team within the field of choreography and dance. The team is formed by Aleksandar Georgiev – Ace, Zhana Pencheva and Darío Barreto Damas, three choreographers/dancers actively operating locally and internationally. STEAM ROOM is formed out of the wish to facilitate conditions and environments that contribute to the development of the work in the field of choreography and dance in different localities, with an intrinsic international vision. STEAM ROOM aims to open spaces for reflection and wider critical knowledge through artistic work and cultural initiatives. STEAM ROOM was formed in 2018 and until now they have produced two artistic works,(dragON aka PONY and dragON aka PHOENIX as part of the choreographic trilogy dragON), and initiated cultural programs focused on discursive and critical practices, the dialogue between artists-art-audience, research, artistic residencies and emerging artists throughout the institution project ICC (Imaginative Choreographic Center).
In 2018 STEAM ROOOM started a choreographic trilogy named dragON. The trilogy follows a main conceptual line initiated by Aleksandar and Zhana in their previous work: to look upon the celebration body as a protest body and vice versa. dragON focuses on drag practices, exploring and displaying dancing and choreographic playgrounds where the team questions: how can we drag dance and choreography? For the residency the team are planning to work with the last part of the trilogy – dragON forever. In this work they are interested in exploring the practice of lip-syncing applied to dance and choreography. The initial trigger is the gap or space created in between the actual played song and the lips performance, or in other words between the mimic singing and the song being mimicked. Can we dance within that gap? What would be a lip-synced choreography? The understanding of dance and choreography as popular practices accompanies the three works of the trilogy.