Residens Mikko Niemistö – A Point of No Return

Fredag 11 oktober kl 19.00

”A Point of No Return”

Koreografi och performance: Mikko Niemistö, Jan Nyberg and Tuuli Vahtola

Fri entré, ingen förbokning


A Point of No Return

Koreografen Mikko Niemistö (FIN) är inbjuden att ha residens på Köttinspektionen i oktober, då han tillsammans med Jan Nyberg and Tuuli Vahtola kommer arbeta med, och presentera verket A Point of No Return.

A Point of No Return är en koreografisk väv av ljud som låter dansarnas kollektiva minnen transformeras till ljud och toner, till historier, till abstraktion. Samlade historiska citat från århundraden filtreras genom dansarnas kroppar, röster och minnen, vilket framkallar en ömtålig komposition som möter det levande – den dödliga människokroppen. Språk och kött materialiseras i ett kontiuum och bearbetar historier skrivna och berättade under hela vår tid. De överlappar, förändrar formen och degenereras –  som den döende människoarten.

För mer information om verket, se den engelska versionen av hemsidan.


Arbetsgruppens biografier (endast på engelska):

Mikko Niemistö holds a Master of Fine Arts in Choreography degree from Stockholm University of the Arts, Dans och Cirkushögskolan, New Performative Practices, 2017. He has worked years in Helsinki and abroad in the context of dance and performance as a performer, choreographer and director. Through choreography he investigates the human bodies relation to it’s surroundings: our unconscious and conscious connections to the structures of the society and the state of the world. He is fascinated by repetition and structures that hold the potential for change. He has worked e.g. in Mad House Helsinki, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, brut Wien, Forum Box Gallery, Ihme Contemporary Art Festival, Korjaamo -theatre and Kutomo arts space.

Tuuli Vahtola is a dance and performance artist currently based in Helsinki, Finland. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance from Stockholm University of the Arts, Dans och Cirkushögskolan, 2017. Tuuli values work that allows deep listening, concentration and the shifting of state to non-predetermined places. She is forever impressed of how choreography and dance practices can trigger alternative ways of perception, transforming spaces and perspectives, revealing a fluidity of things. At the moment Tuuli is working with performance projects A Point of No Return and I Wore What I Would Wear as Me, taking part in a mentoring platform for dance artists facilitated by UrbanApa and working with Precarious Practices – a group of freelance dance artists in Helsinki. Previously Tuuli has perfromed in works by Liisa Risu, Mirva Mäkinen and Sonja Jokiniemi, Miguel Gutierrez, Isabelle Schad, Benoît Lachambre, Runa Norheim, Gry Tingskog and The Trisha Brown Company.

Jan Nyberg holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance from Stockholm University of the Arts, Dans och Cirkushögskolan, 2017 and a Licentiate of Medicine (Helsinki University, 2015). During his studies he worked with e.g. Margret Sara Gudjónsdóttir, Miguel Gutierrez, Isabelle Schad, Rebecca Hilton and The Trisha Brown Company. His diploma work dealt with the limits of knowledge and experience. In dance and performance art he is especially interested in the private body and the relationship between the body and labour. As a dancer he doesn’t want to be in a secondary position in relation to the choreographer/choreography nor demonstrate or prove expertise. It is important to him that he doesn’t maintain the myth of an artist that exists beyond life and the everyday. At the moment he is specialising in psychiatry.