Welcome to a residency showing of “The most human”
Friday the 6th of April 2018, 19.00
No booking, Free admission

For a couple of weeks Robin Jonsson and his team will start up the work with “The most human”, during his residence at Köttinspektionen. The performance piece will premier at MDT Stockholm in May 2018.
The most human by Robin Jonsson
Ludvig Daae is a Norwegian human dancer who grew up in Nesbyen and Maria is a humanoid robot-dancer who grew up at IDA at Linköping University. Led by choreographer Robin Jonsson and Robot developer Fredrik Löfgren, they are presented equally but according to their own unique capacities in a dancy piece that investigates human-ness, presence and authenticity.
The work reflects the radical transformation of society, especially in the service-industry, the heavy industry and healthcare, where robots have taken over people’s jobs, but where they also to a great extent collaborate with humans. In The most human, a robot replaces a human dancer and collaborates with another. The robot is humanoid, intelligent and autonomous and influences the work process and the finished result.
The work builds on Robin’s earlier project Simulations and others where virtual bodies from video games were simulated on stage by human dancers, aiming to shed light on the human.
Producer: Sara Bergsmark. Concept: Robin Jonsson. Development and robot science: Fredrik Löfgren. Dancer and co-maker: Ludvig Daae. Costume designer: Tove Berglund. Sound design: Peter Lenaerts. Light design: Johan Sunden
Produced by MDT Sthlm. Created in collaboration with the Institution for Computer Science at the University of Linköping. Co production: Life Long Burning and Turneslingan 3 Scener (MDT, Atalante in Gothenburg and Dansstationen in Malmö) Supported by Köttinspektionen in Uppsala. Funded by: Stockholms Läns Landsting, Statens Kulturråd, Stockholms stads kulturförvaltning and Konstnärsnämnden.
Robin Jonsson is a choreographer, producer and sound-artist. He has been creating and touring danceproductions since 2006, in Europe and the world. Robin Jonsson was based in Brussels from 2004 to 2015 where he studied at the well known dance school P.A.R.T.S, led by Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, leader of the dance-company ROSAS. Currently Robin Johnsson is based in Stockholm.