A movement to hold 15-16 Nov

Friday 15th of November

18.00-20.00 Workshop: Embroidery in solidarity with Palestine



Saturday 16th of November

14.00-15.00 The Garden Grieves My Heart

Afrang Nordlöf Malekian & Åse Richard

15.30-16.30 Under the firelight, the ashes shine like glitter

Antoni Hervas

17.00-18.00 Residency sharing

Elena Novakovits and Nefeli Gioti


Free admission. Warm welcome!


Welcome to A movement to hold, a two-day programme that results from a collaboration between Köttinspektionen Dans and Konst. A series of performances and workshops that will tackle questions of collective creation and criticality.

Let’s think of a storage room as a place where we keep different objects, where we also leave memories and knowledge, a place where unexpected things can appear. How could we make that stuff available to many? Could we apply workers’ principles of self-organization, solidarity and resistance to cultural creation? A movement to hold is an open archive of artistic representations, which focuses on revisiting immaterial, critical and non hegemonic experiences. Through a series of performances, interventions and presentations we will share different creative processes with the aim of rethinking collective creation and criticality. A movement to hold is thus an archive for art in movement and for social movements, a storage room to which it is possible to go in search of ideas and knowledge.


15th of November

Embroidery in solidarity with Palestine


18:00 – 20:00

Köttinspektionen and Rebellbrodöserna invite you to a workshop where we want to embroider our solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom. Embroidery allows space both for processing our emotions and expressing different messages. Gathering around embroidery, together we create a safe space for collectivity and reflection.

Materials are provided (needles, threads, fabric and frame), but if you want to use a particular fabric or thread, please bring your own (for example if you want to embroider onto a textile bag or a t-shirt). The aim of the workshop is not to learn advanced embroidery, but we will teach the basics for people who have not worked with embroidery before.

The workshop is free of charge. To secure a spot, please register at kaayolia@gmail.com (please inform us if you have previous experience of embroidery or not)

Sandwiches, fruit, tea and coffee will be served.


16th nov

The Garden Grieves My Heart

Afrang Nordlöf Malekian & Åse Richard

14:00 – 15:00

For many years, residents of Gränby and Kvarngärdet in Uppsala have fought against sharp rent increases and renovictions*. This is also the case in the work “The Garden Grieves my Heart”, where flowers, juniper bushes and other vegetation in the city break the silence to depict tenants’ urban living conditions.

Afrang Nordlöf Malekian presents a performative revision of his work and discusses its creative and social background with researcher Åse Richard.

*To significantly raise rents, by renovating rental properties, resulting in forced relocation.


Under the firelight, the ashes shine like glitter

Antoni Hervas

15:30 – 16:30

Every night, just before dawn, a humming voice would creep up from the street and enter the room whispering a beautiful song that woke me up. I liked to lie in bed, listening to that voice that lurked in the doorway flickering the flame of a lighter on a piece of foil. The dimmer it got, the more I wished it would never fade.

Antoni Hervas delves into Barcelona’s underground and follows the trail of a group of shooting stars during the 70s and 80s. A time when the pressure of the current political system forced them to withdraw from the stages where they forged their legend while demanding sexual equality. Instead, they took up a continuous (silent) struggle for survival and resistance to disappearance. This passionate story avoids nostalgia, claiming the construction of memory from the current practice of its protagonists. By recomposing vestiges of past actions, an archive of multidisciplinary resistance emerges and just like the people it refers to, it must face a constant struggle for survival. This is an eternal story of love and desire, of strength, life, laughter, wounds, scars, ashes and fire. The construction of a myth that is both local and universal.


Residency sharing 

Elena Novakovits and Nefeli Gioti


Elena and Nefeli will share in a playful presentation fragments from their residency period in Köttinspektionen Dans. Starting from the question ‘what dance can and cannot do’, they navigate through different angles towards more explicit forms and modes that this broad question can take. Spending time together to come up with common challenges, they focused on the role, the meaning, and the urgency of side jobs within the precarious dance and the broader performing arts field. A gathering of embodied narratives, anecdotes and photographic imprints of side jobs from or by professionals in the field across divergent geographical contexts, generations and positions will be on display.



Rebellbrodöserna – We are a group of textile creatives, meeting to embroider, informed by reflections on society, democracy, climate-, species-, and environmental crisis, from an ecofeminist perspective. We value community building and care, for each other and all life on our planet. We are no embroidery virtuosos, but we want to challenge and reshape the world using thread and needle.

Afrang Nordlöf Malekian (b. 1995) is an Iranian-Swedish artist, and in his practice he listens to the dreams and aspirations of silenced, muted, or unnoticed creators, actors, and makers of history. Nordlöf Malekian’s work seeks to explore how the language of these unrealized utopias reappears, returns, and transforms into an evasive, flexible, and scattered force that advances collective endeavors. Through performances and installations grounded in archival research, he creates works that provide a space for these quiet dreams to be heard, expanded, and, ideally, realized. The border between fiction and history blurs as Nordlöf Malekian strives to create documents and performances that he wishes had existed in a specific historical context, and through which he aims to generate alternative futures. Afrang Nordlöf Malekian is represented by Moderna Museet, the Public Art Agency Sweden, Botkyrka municipality, Uppsala Art Museum, and the Arab Image Foundation Library. He has previously conducted artistic research at the Arab Image Foundation and was artist-in-residence at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris.

Åse Richard currently holds a position as a PhD candidate in Human Geography at Uppsala University. In her dissertation, she engages with the ongoing renovation of the Swedish so-called Million Program. Based on quantitative and deep ethnographic material collected throughout the renovation of the multifamily rental housing neighbourhood of Gränby in Uppsala, where she also lives, her work engages in the gap between lived experiences of large-scale renovations of rental housing and its representations in Swedish policy and debate. In her thesis, she argues that to attain a just housing renewal, the active inclusion of the knowledge and experiences of people directly affected by housing policies, or the lack of housing policies as it is in the processes of housing renewal, are required. Based on her research, Åse frequently arranges city walks with interested groups. She is a co-publisher of the handbook Renovräkt! and is part of the research collective Fundament, which recently published the book Kris i Bostadsfrågan (Verbal 2023).

Antoni Hervàs (Barcelona 1981) studied Fine Arts at the Universitat de Barcelona (2006). His solo exhibitions include “Time Machines. Redrawing the Past and Fabulating the Future in Prison” at Centre d’arts Santa Monica, Barcelona (2024); “The Awakening” at Human Resources, Los Angeles (2023) and at The Green Parrot, Barcelona (2022); “Copacabana” at The RYDER Projects, Madrid (2021); “Sausages” at OKELA, Bilbao (2021); “The Rubbery” at 1646, Den Haag (2017); and “El Misterio de Caviria” at La Capella, Barcelona (2016). He has participated in numerous group exhibitions at institutions such as Halfhouse, Barcelona; CCCB, Barcelona; MACBA, Barcelona; Botín Centre, Santander; La Casa Encendida, Madrid; or Fabra I Coats, Barcelona. In addition, he has curated shows and performative events like “La pintura del futur” at MAC, Mataró (2018); “GIMMICK I” & “II” at Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona (2017); “Cuero amanecer” with Clara Lopez Menendez at Human Resources, LA (2024); “Mercuri Splash” with David Bestué, for Miró Foundation (2015). Hervàs is currently a fellow at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome (2024-25) and has been resident at Tom of Finland Foundation, Los Angeles; La Escocesa, Barcelona; Gasworks, London; the 18th Street Arts Center, Los Angeles; Hangar, Barcelona. In 2016, he won the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona d’Arts Visuals. antonihervas.com

Elena Novakovits is a cultural worker in the fields of dance, choreography and performance: dramaturg, researcher, writer, and curator. She collaborates with independent artists in the context of their artistic trajectory and works in cultural event production. She curates performative, discursive, and educational encounters and platforms. She co-runs the independent curatorial platform undercurrent. She has been selected as a fellow in the fourth cycle of Critical Practice (Made in Yu), where the collective systering was formed. Her research interests focus on ecologies of work, politics of labour, curatorial and dramaturgical practices, and cultural models.

Nefeli Gioti (she/her) is a dance researcher, choreographer and dancer who works between Greece and Sweden. She has completed her MA in choreography at the University of Arts in Stockholm as well as her BA studies in Environmental Science in Greece. Her work delves into the narrative operation in the fields of dance and choreography by exploring discursive practices. Website: https://giotinefeli.wixsite.com/research-choreograph