Residency: Sanna Söderholm and Elinor Tollerz Bratteby


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In July, Uncover Choreography, choreographer Sanna Söderholm and dancer Elinor Tollerz Bratteby, will have a residence at the Köttinspektionen to continue working on their latest piece A little bit Wet n a little bit Wild.

A little bit Wet n a little bit Wild – a dance medley with dreams of freedom

The wild is about freeing yourself from controlling oppression and the wet is about desire, sweat and pleasure.

After years of working with movement in relation to other elements and expressions, Uncover Choreography now places dance in focus in their current piece. The entry point for the project is a few simple conditions and wishes – to dance based on joy and sincerity. Seemingly an easy matter of course that exposes greater complexity than expected. The piece examines issues about contemporary tendencies of control. We look inwards after something wild in the dance, in the choreography and in ourselves as performers. We take on a tricky negotiation between our craftsmanship and our own desire for progression, anarchy, joy and freedom.

About Uncover Choreography (UC)

At the heart of Uncover Choreography is choreographer Sanna Söderholm and dancer Elinor Tollerz Bratteby collaborating to make artistic work together. The artistic duo have dedicated themselves to curious, critical, experimental dance art for 3 decades nationally and internationally. Our common interest is to constantly surprise ourselves, each other and the audience with exploratory work on the edge of the choreography field. We are interested in making work that excites, challenges and entertains people.